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We exist for members of churches in Dorking to connect with those in need and see transformation in those who give and receive.

I want to give

Click More if you would like to give time or goods or the quick link to make a donation

I would like some help

Please ask your social worker or keyworker for help accessing Besom services.

Click more for additional local services

I am a referring agency
Requests to assist your clients 

   Housing Support Fund
Besom along with other local charities is assisting MVDC distribute funds under this scheme.
The Besom helps people make a difference. It provides a bridge between those who want to give time, money, things or skills and those who are in need. It ensures what is given is used effectively. The service it provides is free.  

The Besom in Dorking  - Regd. Charity Number  1123782

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