"I tell you the truth. Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40
Why do we do this?
We have a passion to see every Christian having an intentional involvement with those living on the margins of society because as we look at the gospels that is what we see Jesus doing.
We exist for members of churches in Dorking to connect with those in need and see transformation in those who give and receive.
The Besom in Dorking started operations in 2007. Dorking is an affluent Surrey town but it's exterior conceals the lives of many people in real need. The Besom aims to make a bridge between these people and God’s church in Dorking. There are all kinds of ways in which members and groups from Dorking churches can get involved and make a genuine, lasting difference to people’s lives.
We never ask. We don't fund-raise or ask for specific items. When there is a need, we pray for God's provision.
Why are we called "The Besom"?
The name 'Besom' derives from a broom made of twigs - hence Besom's strapline of 'sweep away suffering'.
About The Besom
The Besom was founded by James Odgers in 1987. Early in that year, James left the practice of law in London to go to Hong Kong where he served in a Christian ministry involved with heroin addicts. What particularly affected him there was not so much the absolute levels of human degradation and poverty that he encountered but the ever widening gap that exists between those of us who have and can give and those who are in need. On the plane leaving Hong Kong in September 1987, James wrote the original mission statement for Besom - that it should provide a bridge between those who want to give money, time, skills or things, and those who are in need.
The Besom Family
We are a member of a network of Besoms around the country all sharing in the same Besom ethos. If you would like to find out more about the Besom Vision please go to the following website at Besom Network