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   Other Local Services

CAP Debt Help

If you are in debt, you've come to the right place. We are a charity that gives free help to anyone in debt. Thousands of people have already been given hope and a solution.




There is 1 CAP Debt Centre covering your area. To book an appointment or find out more, call our New Enquiries team on 0800 328 0006

Call for free from landlines and mobiles in the UK.
Our lines are now open:
9:30am–5:00pm Monday–Thursday and 9:30am–3:30pm on Fridays

Dorking Area Food Bank

Dorking Community Fridge


Dorking Beatitudes is an exciting charity project for the residents of Dorking.

A good as new children's shop, with clothes, toys, books and equipment at very reasonable prices. A drop in for parents, with a lovely little play area, so the children can play while you relax, or shop.

A place where all are welcome. Beatitudes means blessing and that’s what we are to local families!

John Ede Trust

The John Ede Trust offers financial assistance for individuals with learning disabilities, their families or organisations that support them within Surrey

The Besom in Dorking  - Regd. Charity Number  1123782

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